
Our Vision

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Farrukhabad Road Chhiramau Kannauj


Our Vision

Subhash Academy aims to provide world class education to its students with Indian tradition and culture, and dedicated to producing future leaders of the world.

Our Mission

To fulfill vision, Subhash Academy provides an environment in which every student discovers and realizes his full potential. The school should attract the best talented-students, teachers and facilitators-from all parts of India and the world, without distinction of race, religion caste or social status. Subhash Academy must maintain a sharp focus on the pursuit of knowledge and skill. In particular, it must attain the highest academic standards. In addition, drawing on its tradition and rich history of its promoters, the school should aim at the broader development of the complete personality of its students by creating: An understanding and appreciation of India’s culture. A sense of integrity, ethics and uncompromising honesty. A strong secular ethos. Leadership with a sense of team work and fair play. An awareness of the environment. A concern of the less fortunate. A concern for human rights and democrative values. A questioning mind and a spirit of adventure. In realizing the mission, Subhash Academy should at all times be financially viable and independent.